Internet Safety Classes:
The CAPCAN Program offers internet safety classes for school-age children and their parents. Classes cover the following topics:
Mandatory Reporting Classes:
The CAPCAN Program offers a 2 hour mandatory reporting class for Marshall County mandatory reporters. Classes cover the following topics:
Prevention and intervention programs
Safe Dates is a school-based prevention program for middle and high school students designed to stop or prevent the initiation of dating violence victimization and perpetration, including the psychological, physical, and sexual abuse that may occur between youths involved in a dating relationship.
Bringing in the Bystander is an interactive program that promotes a bystander intervention approach, emphasizing that everyone has a role to play in ending sexual misconduct. Rather than focusing strictly on the roles of perpetrator and victim, the interactive, researched, and evaluated curriculum uses a community of responsibility approach in colleges and universities, churches, civic organizations, faculty and communities at large to step in as bystanders.